Jim Goldsmith
Jim Goldsmith started his Real Estate Career with the gentle urging of his wife Tanya. Jim, who was forced to retire from ministry due to health reasons, began his selling career selling burglar alarms door to door and making good money at it. “I just used the same principles I used building Treasure Coast Baptist Church back in 1989, and that was to see a lot of people face to face in a short amount of time, with a compelling message.” Back then it was the Gospel Message, but after the Church days it was about providing your family security and peace of mind for a little less than a dollar a day. Today that message has changed a bit, It’s about helping people realize their Real Estate dreams, and solving Problems for clients regarding Selling or purchasing Real Estate. Jim started as a rookie Realtor in 1999, and in that day there were not a lot of “how to Books” on Real Estate like there is today, so he used his previous Church and sales experiences combined with working his famous,” Half days”(12 hr. days) to edge out the competition. Slowly success began to come as he kept learning and progressing by exploring new ideas and practicing sales scripts. As business progressed, Jim along with his wife Tanya started, Goldsmith Team Real Estate with the idea of training new agents on how to make a living in Real Estate, the company grew to over fifty Realtors, and while in the middle the recent economic downturn that devastated most companies they were able to form a merger with a larger company, in which he managed one of the company’s six branches located throughout Florida. Now, seven years later He felt the need for yet another change, Getting back in the field working with buyers and sellers, listing and selling Real Estate full time and retiring from the management side of Real Estate.